What is an oNLINE STORE?

​team stores

Hobbs Sporting Goods, Inc. can build an online store to meet your team's needs whether it is school, church, business, or travel ball.  We can provide a store with all items your players may need to purchase as a part of your team's requirements.  We can design a store to your specifications including decorated and non decorated cloth, equipment, etc. personalized for your team.  We will provide you with the link to access your store. After the store closes we will order, pack individualized orders, and ship them to the coach to give to each player.  Contact us for more information.  
Hobbs Sporting Goods, Inc. is your place for online team, spirit, and club stores. Online stores relieve the coach, team manager, or booster club of the stress associated with ordering for individuals. All orders are taken online with specific close dates using a credit/debit/prepaid card.  Orders are processed, packaged, and shipped by Hobbs Sporting Goods to the specific person in charge of distribution of orders; or, we offer individual shipping as well. We will provide you with the online link to your personalized store. Please contact Laine Lunsford or the salesman in your area for more information about any of the stores described below or any other type store that you may be interested in opening.

spirit stores for booster clubs/school/pe apparel

We can also provide your booster clubs with a way to make money while boosting team spirit.  We can build a store with decorated items to order (shirts, hoodys, stadium seats, umbrellas, etc.) while at the same time making money for your booster clubs or teams.